Senin, 25 April 2016

Future of Agriculture Indonesia

Many people are pessimistic about the future of agriculture and food security in Indonesia. Agricultural world as if waiting for a death knell for the failure of various development policies related to unsuccessful improve the welfare of farmers.

Problems of agricultural development is very complicated and intertwined. Inappropriate policy would have fatal consequences and can worsen the condition that farmers would suffer even more.

Taking into account the potential wealth of resources both physical and human we can actually fairly optimistic towards the revival and prosperity of agriculture which ultimately will bring increased standard of living of its protagonists, namely farmers.

The most fundamental thing is the commitment and goodwill of all components of the nation to restore the momentum of development of agriculture as a driver of the nation's economy. Political will and alignments of state and politicians became one of the determinants of agricultural revival.

Food and problem
In the context of the general agricultural development Indonesia has tremendous potential. Oil palm, rubber and cocoa we started moving over the world market. However, in the context of food production there is a uniqueness.

Indonesia is the world's third largest rice producer after China and India. Indonesia's contribution to world rice production by 8.5 percent, or 51 million tonnes (Rice Almanac, 2002). China and India as major rice producers contribute 54 percent. Vietnam and Thailand, which was traditionally a rice exporting countries contributed only 54 and 3.9 percent.

Indonesian rice production averages 4.3 tonnes / hectare. The productivity has surpassed India, Thailand, and Vietnam. Although still below the productivity of Japan and China (average above 6 tons / hectare).

Then, why Indonesia almost every year always faced recurring problems with food production. Its main rice?

There are some serious issues that need to be examined and resolved. One of the main reasons is the very large number of people. Statistics show that in the range of 230-237 million. The staple food is rice so that all residents of the obvious need for rice is unusually large.

Indonesia's population is largest rice eaters in the world with a consumption of 154 kg per person per year. Compare this with the average consumption in China is only 90 kg, 74 kg India, Thailand 100 kg and 100 kg Philppine (IRRI, 1999).
It also shows that food diversification program in Indonesia is still far from successful. However, as long as we still consume rice with such numbers, the food problem will still be difficult to overcome.

Another issue is the lack of structural transformation runs. Wherever in the world there is a pattern that the role of agriculture in the national economy will decline and no movement of the labor force from agriculture to industry and services sectors.

In Indonesia, agricultural land increasingly met by new labor force because there is no alternative to finding a job. Of course it is very influential on the productivity and efficiency of its production. In certain stages of Clifford Geertz's thesis on agricultural involution appears to have been valid.

Looking for a Way Out
Completion of the issue of agriculture also depends on other sectors. Agriculture alone will never be able to resolve its problems. The integration of cross-cutting need to address the issues as interrelated.

Policies related to diversification of food processing. Sectors of industry and commerce will play an important role. Diversification of food must begin seriously to take action to exhume the local food especially the tubers are numerous. Need to systematically campaigned as a substitute for rice to some extent.

Japanese experience campaigning for local food and wheat when scarcity of food / rice early defeat in World War II by providing food for school children proved highly effective influence food consumption behavior. This time the Japanese rice consumption is only 90 kg per person per year with a downward trend.

The issue of farmers' access to land is also a very serious issue. Most of our farmers are smallholders (Kahan ownership of less than 1,000 meters), the number of tuna Kisma increasing continuously. Land reform policies initiated since the beginning of the SBY administration seems to also not give clear results.

In addition to the real implementation of land reform that gives access to the land to farmers. Problems smallholders also related to the structural transformation of rural and agricultural.

In the structural transformation of rural industry through the creation of local food processing are likely to create new jobs both in terms of production, processing, and distribution and marketing. Healthy and productive agriculture (viable) should have a sufficient extent.

Most smallholders and tuna Kisma can switch professions to rural industry if his chances were created. Indirectly, it also provides an opportunity some farmers to manage land with economies of scale through rental system as well as for the results so the expected productivity increased markedly.

Need to do a variety of policies that can provide incentives for farmers to increase their productivity. Large investments both investments in human resources and physical resources in agriculture so should be a priority.

Research and technology development as well as agricultural extension both national, regional, and local levels are extremely vital. Serious research on new seeds with high productivity through biotechnology approach is also a pretty good solution.

Currently farmers increasingly difficult to obtain good quality seeds because generally produced by multinational corporations that profit oriented so the price is very expensive. Research institutions and universities as a provider of public goods should be fully supported so as to generate alternative technologies and innovations that can be accessed by the public's mainly small farmers in the countryside.

Development of agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation, rural roads, rural markets, and others become vital to encourage farmers. If policies can run well and able to provide incentives for farmers, the hope and optimism for the success of agricultural development will be more real. Alignments and time will tell whether the farm we will rise or it will be buried.(***) Aji Setiawan

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