Senin, 22 Juni 2020
Coastal Community Economic Empowerment
Coastal Community Economic Empowerment
By: AjiSetiawan
Finally, it provides an opportunity for fishermen to re-use cantrang. This followed a meeting between representatives of fishermen and the regional government (pemda) with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Palace, on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.
There are a number of conditions that will be regulated by the government regarding the reopening of the use of fishing gear. The conditions are like a matter of the size of the boat used by fishermen.
Then, the government also set capture zones for cantrang. The rule is that not all water zones should be used as a place to catch fish using cantrang.
Key Word: Cantrang net, fishermen empowerment, coastal area, sustainable development.
Cantrang is banned because it damages coral reefs to the bottom of the sea. So, at what depth. The government will also arrange time for fishermen who use cantrang to fish. Thus, fishermen cannot use cantrang throughout the year.
Damage to the marine environment due to cantrang nets is already nearly 68% of coral reefs in the coastal areas of the sea killed damaged and threatened biodata in it, including small fish.
You have to think about how many months in a year cantrang can operate, to give the fish pause to grow again. So test quotes with new regulations that can anticipate from the old regulations.
So that fishermen cannot cheat in revealing the size of their boat. Because, all the rules applied by the government are aimed at the common interest.
There are 4 fishing areas by fishermen namely 0-3 miles, 3-10 miles, 10-40 miles and 40 above or free sea. The cantrang net usually plays in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) region of 3-12 miles. Cantrang or trawl from various studies from leading campuses in Indonesia are already unsuitable and damaging to coral reefs. So ships operating on EE from 10-40 PK ship sizes should change to environmentally friendly fishing gear. If not, it will threaten 60% of traditional fishermen who use many fishing nets.
Industries that use fish raw materials to make good use of the policy to extend the cantrang transition period. Currently there are several companies that are losing money due to the prohibition of cantrang use. So companies engaged in hanging fish to take advantage of the policy of transition to the use of cantrang by increasing the added value of their products. That way, going forward, no longer depends on the fish that have been caught by fishermen in the Java Sea.
With the re-use of cantrang to catch fish in the Java sea again, the small industry got a breath. However, at the same time, with the benefits obtained, it must be used to increase production. So if later all fishermen no longer use cantrang, this industry will still be alive.
In every policy there are always pros and cons. However, it becomes a matter of course. If there is one party that feels disadvantaged, then the company should innovate in order to increase the added value of its products. So what is expected by President Jokowi about increasing the added value of fish exports can be realized.
In general, the marine fisheries industry supports the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) efforts related to the ban on the use of cantrang. Because if it is not controlled, it is not monitored by the giant size, then there is no control, of course it will be destructive for long. This means that overfishing and fish gradually diminish.
Changing patterns is also from the usual use of cantrang to further increase the productivity of aquaculture. So that empowering (empowerment) of fishermen can be implemented along with the increase in fish production and processing at the same time, do not rely on the policy of using cantrang nets (trawl nets).
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) stressed that fishermen are not allowed to return to use cantrang fishing gear next year. The cantrang usage period will end at the end of 2017. Cantrang has finished, there is no need to discuss it. January 1, 2018 the ban was applied, so that means cantrang should not operate in Indonesia.
Prohibition of fishing gear cantrang in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Number 2 of 2015 concerning the Prohibition of Use of Trawler and Trawler Fishing Equipment.
The cantrang's problem is not the tool, but the operation. For example the use of excessive ballast so that the fishing gear sinks to the bottom of the sea.
In fact, cantrang operations are not on the seabed, but still float. Its use is not dragged but only pulled so it does not damage the reef.
The government is expected to be able to regulate the use of cantrang so that it can be environmentally friendly, including regulating the length and magnitude of the pocket mesh. That way catching small fish that have the potential to grow big can be minimized.
Even if cantrang is permitted, there must be control over utilization through limitation of the amount and region in which. For small and large size vessels the exact fishing area is determined so there is no conflict and environmental degradation. Meanwhile, Minister Susi said, the use of cantrang is generally not used by small fishermen but by large fishing vessels with sizes above 30 gross tons.
Prohibition of the use of cantrang fishing gear because cantrang operation touches the bottom of the water as stipulated in circular number 72 / MEN-KP / II / 2016, concerning restrictions on the use of fishing gear, cantrang. Because cantrang make the marine ecosystem damaged, causing the productivity of the water base to be reduced.
The author sincerely hopes that fishermen can replace cantrang with environmentally friendly fishing gear, such as the Millenium Gillnet fishing gear, for the sake of the sustainability of fish resources for posterity.
Coastal communities, more specifically the fishing community is a business actor in the field of fisheries which until now has been categorized as poor and has many problems, which also exacerbate pressures on the use of coastal resources. All of them are caused by the absence of the concept of development of coastal communities (fishermen) as subjects in the utilization of coastal resources. The Coastal Community Economic Empowerment Program (PEMP) is one of the programs designed to further empower coastal communities (fishermen). The program is structured by looking at the fact that the average level of education of coastal communities is relatively low so that the kurnag has sufficient understanding in exploiting fishery resources in a sustainable manner; limited capital and skills including facilities and infrastructure to facilitate fisheries resource utilization activities; resource management systems that are implemented individually or depend on others so that they tend to be exploitative, and revenue management tends to be consumptive.
It has become a myth that has developed in the midst of society that Indonesia has abundant marine resources, both its biological and non-biological sources, although such myths need to be proven with more in-depth and comprehensive research. Apart from this myth, in reality Indonesia is a maritime country with 70% of its territory is sea, but it is ironic since 32 years ago fisheries development policies have never received serious attention from the government.
The implications of the lack of fisheries development policy priorities, resulting in very minimal fisheries infrastructure in coastal areas, the occurrence of abrasion of coastal and coastal areas, destruction of marine ecosystems and coral growth, and the utilization of fisheries and marine resources has not been optimized.
There are so many cases of poor fishermen in the territory of Indonesia, even to be appointed in various writings and research. One example of research that has been carried out is research conducted by Mubyarto (1984), this study analyzes the economy of poor fishing communities in Jepara. According to Mubyarto et al, fishermen's poverty is mostly caused by structural pressure, namely fishermen divided into rich and very rich groups on one hand, poor and very poor on one hand. This research shows the dominance / exploitation of rich fishermen towards poor fishermen. Similar to the above research, Mubyarto and Sutrisno (1988) also looked at the poverty of fishermen in the Riau Islands. According to Mubyarto et al, fishermen's poverty is mostly caused by structural pressure, namely rich fishermen / authorities who suppress poor fishermen.
The results of the study, as mentioned above, indicate the helplessness of poor fishermen to the socioal, economic and political conditions that apply to them in each region. This then causes poverty to intensify and pressures them to stay alive along the poverty line. An effort is needed from the local and central government to provide support to these poor fishermen, so that they can improve their standard of living and then become economically independent because of their establishment.
To alleviate poverty in coastal communities, especially poor fishermen, the government has carried out various community empowerment programs. One of them is the Coastal Community Economic Empowerment (PEMP) program developed nationally. The PEMP program aims to improve the welfare of coastal communities through economic and social institutional approaches. In the position paper for coastal community empowerment, the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries stated that based on the characteristics of coastal communities (fishermen) and the scope of empowerment, the empowerment of fishermen should be carried out comprehensively. Comprehensive development, namely development with characteristics: (1) based locally (involving local resources so that the return to local resources can be enjoyed by local communities. Local resources that should be used are human resources and natural resources, (2) oriented towards improvement welfare (emphasizing community welfare rather than increasing production), (3) based on partnerships (mutualistic partnership between local people or poor people with better people, to open access to technology, markets, knowledge, capital, better management or professional and broader business relationships, (4) holistically or multi-aspect (development reaches all aspects, each local resource should be known and utilized), and (5) sustainable (sustainability of development itself, including economic and social aspects) ( DKP 2002).
The PEMP program established by the central government has a positive impact on poor fishermen in the coastal areas. Some aspects that changed after the implementation of this program include aspects of the income of the fishermen. A case in point is the income aspect of fishermen in the North Halmahera area. Before the enactment of the empowerment strategy in the form of PEMP, fishermen received a low income because fish traders had higher bargaining value than fishermen in determining the price of catched fish. Dependence of fishermen on fish traders causes difficulties for them, it can even be called a form of patron-client between fishermen and fish traders. So after PEMP is running, fishermen's income has increased very significantly between 100-288%.
Not only through PEMP, empowering coastal communities, especially poor fishermen, can also be done with other forms of programs originating from the government or from the fishing community itself. Several aspects that can be considered and prioritized in planning and formulating strategies for empowering poor fishermen include capital, technology development and scale of fisheries business, development of marketing access, institutional strengthening of fishermen and coastal communities, management of community-based fisheries resources, construction of facilities and infrastructure supporting fisheries business.
One of the fundamental problems in fisheries development is the weak accuracy of fisheries statistical data. Fisheries data in various regions in Indonesia are usually based on rough estimates from local fisheries service reports. There is no reliable standard method to be used as a guide for local offices in the collection of fisheries data.
For areas that have fish landing places or ports, they usually have more accurate capture fisheries production data because they are based on records of the number of fish landed. However, the accuracy of the fish production data is still questionable relating to the phenomenon of fish sales transactions without going through landings or transactions in the middle of the sea. This pattern of sales transaction makes it difficult for officials to estimate the amount / value of fish caught in sea waters in their area. Especially with areas that do not have fish landing sites such as small islands in Indonesia or the development of private fish landing sites or 'Private TPI' which are often called fields such as those developed in North Sumatra.
How will the government implement a fisheries development policy if it is not supported by accurate data. Is there a guarantee that the government will be able to dismantle the chaotic fishing system and each region which has a different shape and pattern. The state of the system that is able to monitor every arrest activity in the regions becomes a weakness that has been maintained long ago. This weakness is then used by the parties concerned to enrich themselves from the results of capture fisheries. So the issue of foreign exchange leakage with fish theft illustrates the weakness of the national fisheries management system.
Without knowing the character or pattern / business network of fishing carried out by the community or fishermen who have capital in various regions or centers
fishing centers, the re-licensing policy for the fishing effort will have opportunities for corruption and collusion. It is suspected that with the pattern / network of capture fisheries business that is familiar with the culture of KKN, the mechanism of collusion and corruption in the fishing business must be systematically addressed. Fisheries development policy in the future should be based on a foundation of a correct understanding of the fisheries development problem map itself, which starts from micro problems to problems at the macro level that lead to empowering fishing communities. The micro problem that is meant is the internal questioning of the fishing and fish farmers community regarding socio-cultural aspects such as education, mentality, and so on. This aspect affects the nature and characteristics of fishing communities and fish farmers. The nature and characteristics are influenced by the types of business activities such as capture fisheries, pond fisheries, and fishery product processing businesses. This community group has unique characteristics related to the business it is doing. Because fishing is very dependent on the season, price and market.
The idea of economic development (local economic development) based on local resources or in his language Dawam Rahardjo as "local economic development", put forward by several development thinkers namely Helena Norberg and Hodge, David Morris and Satish Kumar in a book of writings entitled "The Case Against the Global Economy and for a Turn Toward the Local ”and edited by Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith (2040). Halena Norberg and Hodge in their article entitled "Shifting Direction from Global Dependence to Local Interdependence", illustrates that the characteristics and development of the local economy is a new community-based economic policy (new community - Cased economic).
Thus, local economic interdependence will be created in the context of the global economy. To develop these local economic activities, stressing the need for three main foundations that support namely (i) the existence of authority (authority), (ii) accountability, and (iii) productive capacity of the community (productive capacity) that ensures community empowerment in determining the period front of economic policy. So that the direction and objectives of local economic development are expected to be able to create an increase in community spirit (community spirit), community relations and community welfare (well-being).
Marine Resources has great potential for the development of the national economy in the 21st century, however its utilization must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the ecosystem as happened to land resources. In order to make the maritime sector as a leading sector in strengthening the national economy, it is necessary to formulate an integral and comprehensive ocean policy that will become a political umbrella for all state institutions that strengthen the development of the marine economy.
The development of these policy formulations is inseparable from the history of the advancement of Indonesian civilization which was built from the lives of people who are highly dependent on coastal and ocean resources. However, from the era of independence until now there has been no policy to manage marine resources in an integrated manner under a synergistic coordination of State institutions. It is known that the focus of development in the marine sector is quite broad, consisting of various economic sectors. But so far development that utilizes the potential of marine resources has not been carried out by a coordinating state institution but has been carried out partially by several state institutions such as the department of defense, domestic, foreign affairs, transportation, energy, tourism, industry and trade, environment, marine and fisheries . (*****) Aji Setiawan, the author lives in Purbalingga
1. KOMINFO, PDSI. "Get to know Cantrang, Prohibited Fishing Gear". Official Website of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Republic of Indonesia (in English). Accessed 2019-10-23.
2. Andryanto, Dian (2017-07-11). "Demo on Prohibition of Cantrang, Palace Meet Fishermen Alliance Representative". Tempo (in English). Accessed 2019-10-23.
3. Andreas, Damianus. "Minister Susi Denies the Government Revokes the Cantrang Prohibition". Accessed 2019-10-23.
4. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 2007, concerning the management of coastal islands.
5. Aji Setiawan, Suara Merdeka: We recommend that the Cantrang Nets be Prohibited
Monday, January 22, 2018
6.Aji Setiawan, Kompas: Coastal Community Area Development, 2/2/2018
Biografi Penulis:
Nama : Aji Setiawan, ST
TTL : Purbalingga, 1 Oktober 1978
Hp : 081229667400
Pekerjaan : Swasta
Alamat : Cipawon RT 06/Rw 01 Bukateja Purbalingga 53382
No rekening : Simpedes BRI no : 372001029009535
Aji Setiawan, Peneliti Masalah Nelayan Tradisional di Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa tahun 1998-2000, Artikel pernah dimuat di Lipsus Majalah Himmah Edisi I (Tahun 1999) dan Majalah Himmah Edisi II (Tahun 2000).
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