KPU Purbalingga Renew Registration Cabup cawabup
Local elections (elections) Purbalingga extended registration period. The reason is, there is only one pair of regional head candidates who sign up to the registration ends on Tuesday (28/7) afternoon. Ie pair-Dyah Tasdi Hayuning Pratama (Tasdi- Tiwi), which carried coalition PDIP, Gerindra, PAN, PKS, and Nasdem Party.
While the National Awakening Party candidate failed to register a candidate who is also the incumbent, Sukentho Ridlo Marhaendrianto, along Safe Waliyudin. This happens because the party that raised KH Abdurrahman Wahid did not meet the requirements of the support.
Seeing these conditions, the Chairman of the Commission Purbalingga, Sri Wahyuni, revealing, registration of candidates for regional heads will be extended. "If after extended for three days, candidates who register remains less than two, it is certain the elections will be postponed election Purbalingga simultaneously in 2017," he said.
Problems pullback cabup registration period cawabup not happen Purbalingga, Central Java there are 12 districts that enroll only one pair of candidates. Even throughout Indonesia there are 21 counties that register only one pair of candidates. Cabup requirements cawabup many issues become an obstacle so that the couple could escape
Cabup cawabup be officially registered candidate in the Regency.
As for the extension of the registration is done for three days, from 1 to August 3, 2015. "Tuesday (28/7) night, KPU Purbalingga directly to the plenary meeting of the Central Election Commission as directed, Purbalingga Commission issued a Commission decision No. 38 / KPTS Purbalingga Commission on the extension of the registration of the candidate Purbalingga regent and vice regent, "said Sri Wahyu told participants Socialization extension of the registration period the candidate regent and vice regent Purbalingga followed by Political Party leader se-Purblingga in Purbalingga Regency KPU office, Wednesday (29/7). Tender Purbalingga itself to disseminate the registration renewal period from 29-31 July 2015.
In addition to deleting Article pertahana, other Commission rules also re-socialize the candidate registration requirements Purbalingga regent and vice regent. "Purbalingga Commission only accepts potential mates cawabup Cabup and qualified only. Got a recommendation from the DPP Central political party, political party support or seats in DPRD II at least 25% (9 seats) and a candidate from a minimum of board DPC Parties concerned, "said Sukedi, S.Ag one member of the Commission asatu Purbalingga.
Call Reject PPP Coalition “Bagongan”
Related to the extension of the registration period Cabup-cawabup Kab Purbalingga from 1-3 August 2015, the United Development Party (PPP) Purbalingga district is trying to build a coalition with PKB, Demakrat, PPP, PKP, the UN, Golkar and Hanura. Because if that register 1 paslon only, then elections in Purbalingga be threatened scrubbed until 2017.
Therefore, in the sidelines of the socialization period Sumiyarso registration renewal period, DPC Chairman PPP Purbalingga trying to establish communication with the parties combined to mengkerucutkan pair Cabup-cawabup which will apply to the Commission Purbalingga, not as a "Coalition Bagongan". "Candidates of Regent and Vice Regent will be carried PPP is not just a candidate to accompany paslon cheerleaders who have officially signed up to the Commission Purbalingga. But we will not think of the future candidate Purbalingga will be taken to where ?, "said Sumiyarso.
Parties who have approached intensive PPP is Hanura and Golkar. "What we need now is a recommendation DPP to determine the Centre Party and cawabup Cabup couples only. DPC Party in the District do not want to be bothered by the difference paslon name to be registered. We do not want to bother anymore, “said Sudono, one of Golkar figures Purbalingga.
PPP and Golkar Kab Purbalingga call in
Purbalingga reluctantly called a party full of conflict. “We were there at the
level of Purbalingga will try to carry one Paslon only for registration to the
Commission Purbalingga,” said Mr. Dono further.
only problem is time, said one of the administrators PPP Purbalingga district. “Currently
DPC PPP since the July 28, 2015 is still brewing intensive and cawabup Cabup
pair that will be carried." At least the new Friday evening tomorrow (July
31, 2015), PPP will determine the direction of the coalition going? And the
name of the couple Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Candidate authorized to be
registered in 1 to 3 August 2015, “said Djawahir Khafidz one DPC Chairman PPP
Purbalingga, Central Java. (***)